USPS has announced a temporary rate increase that will raise the price of all domestic shipping services during the upcoming holiday season. This rate increase is being implemented to help them cover increased costs from dealing with 3 big headaches: the Covid-19 pandemic, record-breaking shipping volumes, and Congress' lack of assistance.
October 18th–December 27th USPS temporary rate increases:
First Class Package rates will increase 25 cents/package
Priority Mail rates will increase 40 cents/package
Unfortunately there's no escaping it ... this increase is happening everywhere USPS postage can be purchased. But, the good news is:
even with this increase, USPS is still the cheapest way for us to ship your orders to you; and
if you place an order with us for $100 or more, you won't be affected by this price increase because your shipping is free! Yay!
Do you want to #SaveThePostOffice?
The Postal Service has been in the news quite a bit lately, and unfortunately there's a lot of confusion and misinformation being spread. Here are a few things we think are important to keep in mind:
USPS is not going out of business ... while they do need Congress to fix some things, they have plenty of cash on-hand to keep on truckin' in the meantime;
Services have slowed down because of Covid-19 and increased package volumes ... but only by an average of 1 day, which is what USPS told everyone to expect back in April;
USPS can easily handle a vote-by-mail election ... as long as everybody mails in their ballot with enough time for delivery, it's no problem; and
The new Postmaster General is not sabotaging the Postal Service ... Congress is by not fixing the mess they created for the Postal Service back in 2006.
If you don't want your shipping rates to keep going up, please contact your Federal Senators and ask them to support 3 things that would actually save the Postal Service:
To co-sponsor the bipartisan Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act, which would give USPS $25 billion to help cover losses sustained during the Covid-19 pandemic.
To vote in favor of the bipartisan USPS Fairness Act, which would permit USPS to stop pre-funding health benefits 75 years in advance for employees that haven't yet retired (or even entered the workforce, let alone been born!)
Give USPS the freedom to invest its funds however it chooses, because it's crazy that it has hundreds of billion of dollars saved that it's not allowed to invest.